Solvable problems & PROT.a

Some people: 2020 was the worst year.
2021: Hold my beer...
Having your head filled with problems you can't solve, unsolvable problems, questions no one will ever care to look answers for - can be a fun pass-time, but sooner or latter it will put you in a bad place. It slows down creativity, takes away joy of being alive.. and, what sucks the most - it screws with actual problem solving skills. Keeping yourself busy with problems you will not solve has no positive impact on the World, on said problem or on you.
The World is going crazy and can do that just as fine with or without me worrying about that. I rather spend the time i have for thoughts on trying to solve something i can solve. Making a game presents a whole set of solvable problems of different genres. And it ends up with me making a set of solvable problems for someone else.
That's why, I started a new Unity project, that ended up as PROT.a. Something that took my mind off of things and on target. And I hope - something, that will keep someone busy and entertained for a while.
Protect the Spark! Let the Machine destroy it self.. in 9 atmospheric, brick busting levels.. at 3 game speeds - "relax", "a bit faster , "it's not that easy". Controls: moving and clicking the mouse.
Good Luck!
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